本设备采用真空系统脱气,用于牛奶、果汁等脱出异味及氧气;该设备主要由脱气室、冷凝器、真空泵等几部分组成,广泛用于牛奶、饮料等行业。 Description:this equipment adopts vacuum system to remove the smelly and oxygen in the milk an such as milk and juice etc.;Construction:this equipment is composed of degassing part,condensing part,vacuum pump etc;Use:widely used in m
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全自动真空脱气机组Full-automatic degassing machine
本设备采用真空系统脱气,用于牛奶、果汁等脱出异味及氧气,并配有香气回收设备;该设备主要由脱气室、冷凝器、真空泵等几部分组成,广泛用于牛奶、饮料等行业。 Description:this equipment adopts vacuum system to remove the smelly and oxygen in the milk and juice;Construction:this equipment is composed of degassing part,condensing part,vacuum pump etc;Use:widely used in milk and jui
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双效蒸发器 Double effect evaporator
本设备采用双效降膜蒸发形式,用于牛奶或果蔬汁等液态食品的浓缩和蒸发;该设备主要由蒸发器、分离器、冷凝器等几部分组成,广泛用于食品、生物、制药、化工等行业的浓缩、脱水等。 Two effect evaporator:this equipment adopts two effect falling film to evaporate the water in the milk and fruit juice;Construction:evaporator,separator,condenser etc.
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